Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000165_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Sat Nov 15 02:09:18 1997.msg
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From: Mush <mushypd@redrose.net>
Reply-To: mushypd@redrose.net
To: mortenbo <morten.bolstad@login.eunet.no>
CC: amos-list@access.digex.net
Date: Sat, 15 Nov 1997 01:04:31 +0500
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X-Mailer: YAM 1.3.4 [020] - Amiga Mailer by Marcel Beck
Organization: Mushroom PD - AMOS Public Domain Library
Subject: Re: Mailer
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The man most directly responsible for this twaddle was mortenbo, who did thus
comment on Mailer on the night of 15-Nov-97:
-> >Mush has a mailing list manager that does it, but you need amitcp
-> I
-> >have one that uses YAM. You write the mail once and save it into the queue
-> >(for best results, have it the only one in there). Then you make up a
-> standard
-> >ascii file containing a list of email addresses, 1 per line. Then run my
-> >program. It will generate a mail for each address and put it into
-> >yam:outgoing. Then, just update folder in yam and send all.
I missed the start of this message, so I guess your talking about my
MPDMailpost program. It works fine with miami (I registered it ages ago)
and only requires a couple of bits from the archive, mainly assigns.
It too (now ive got time to update it) also works fine with YAM. Ive also
added a few little extras, including support for YAM files, so all should
be OK. Im gonna try and test it all properly tonight.
Anyone want the new version, just let me know.
Andrew "Mushroom" Kellett
Email: Andy Kellett <mushypd@redrose.net> Team *AMOS* + IAPA Team *AMIGA*
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